We love Sheffield Park Gardens for our photography courses – the reflections and the way the Capability Brown lakes cascade into each other make it a great photography location that a lot of people, even National Trust members, have never heard of.
It has particularly tame ducks – this is the kind of portrait shot that we like – low angle to blur the background and emphasise the bird, lots of sparkle in the eyes, good colours, what’s not to like?
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The reflections are particularly good – someone must have worked all this out!! Long shutter speed helps to keep the water flat here:
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We also like to encourage interesting portrait style shots that describe the landscape – using a low f stop with a linear feature makes things look more dramatic:
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Like our courses at Stourhead, the main problem with Sheffield Park Garden is trying to ensure you don’t take the views that Lancelot Brown marked out for us more than two hundred years ago! However, it’s those views that make these places such special places to visit.
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